Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Countdown...

Ok so everyone knows how bad I have been about updating my blog and reading other people's, and I can only say that it will probably get worse after I have Ryan. So here is my best attempt to bring everyone up to speed with Colten and my pregnancy. After this, the next post will be pics of our newest addition!

Colten has been in a no picture phase where every time he sees the camera, he yells "NO PICTURES!" so here are the best shots I have; most have been the result of race car bribes or sneak attacks with the camera!

Colten was in his glory when we took him to see all of the John Deere construction equipment!

To help get Ryan's room ready, Colten painted letters for him. They look perfect in the nursery!

Colten had been saying that he wanted to have a gift for Ryan when he arrives so we headed to Build-a-Bear for the first time. I loved watching him try to choose a bear for himself and for Ryan. In the end, he chose matching bears in different colors. Here he is giving Ryan's bear a kiss and then bathing both bears. Mommy even got in on the action and built a bear since I had recorded Ryan's heartbeat from one of our many ultrasounds; of course I had to include something of Colten's too. Since he had just had a haircut, I put a lock of his hair inside of the bear as well.

We took Colten to White House Fruit Farm so that he could pick out his pumpkin. His favorites were the ones covered in bumps! Daddy pushed the cart and let us meander through the pumpkins, telling us to call him over when we found "the ones." But in the end, the cart wasn't even needed; Colten picked out two pumpkins - one big and one small in his eyes, but he was able to carry both himself! We also took a hayride through the apple orchids with horses Rex and Hobo as our guides - so fun!

We celebrated Halloween early because Kayleigh was having a costume party for her second birthday. Early in the day, we painted pumpkins and decorated others with stick-on faces. Somehow we never got around to carving this year but Colten still enjoyed it. Colten was Handy Manny for Halloween which we thought was perfect because he loves tools and hats, but of course on the day he was to dress up, he insisted on either not wearing a hat or wearing his Buzz hat instead. He literally only wore the hat for a few photos and that was it. I had to quickly learn that it wasn't worth the struggle or the stress, and we just let him do as he pleased.

Since Ryan will be arriving very shortly (more on that in a bit), we took Colten to Kraynak's Christmas wonderland over Halloween weekend. He loved the displays and of course the large toy store that they have as well. This was the only photo I managed to get, but I wanted Uncle Mike to see his hat - super cool!

A Ryan update: My technical due date is November 30th but since I am a diabetic, my doctor said she would not let me go past Thanksgiving. To my surprise my high risk doctor then recommended that I have an amnio at the start of my 37th week to see if Ryan's lungs are fully developed. If they are, he wants to induce me before any complications arise. After much debate as to whether or not to have the test, we decided to go ahead with it. So that means that I will have the maturity amnio on November 9th and if all comes back positive, I will be induced on November 11th. I can't believe that in less than two weeks, Ryan may be here! Needless to say we have a busy weekend ahead...But we are all excited, including Colten who can't stop talking about baby Ryan! So much more to say, but I'm exhausted. Be watching for the news!!!


  1. I can't believe that you are going to have another little one in about a week! How exciting! Hope everything goes well and we will keep you in our prayers. Can't wait to see pictures of Ryan!

  2. Good luck, Cindy!! I've been thinking about you guys and am so sorry I haven't e-mailed or called lately. So glad to read up on you guys. Colten is SO BIG! I love your new haircut too! You look beautiful! Can't wait to hear about Ryan's arrival! Keep us updated!

  3. Good luck, Cindy! I'm so excited for you--it's hard to believe that you could have Ryan in a week! You'll be in our prayers, and I look forward to seeing pictures of Ryan!
