Friday, June 19, 2009

Colten's Baptism

Colten turned 3 months old on Sunday, June 14th and that was also the day we baptized him. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! One of my biggest worries (aside from the weather) was that Colten would cry during the entire mass. But he was such a good boy throughout the entire ceremony, that is as long as I was holding him. I'm not sure how much he weighs now but I can tell you that my arms were killing me by the end of mass. Everyone jokes that I am going to have such sculpted arms because I carry Colten so much and I think it might just be true : > We started a new family tradition that day too; Colten wore my cousin KC's son's (Braden) baptismal outfit, and we hope that each new addition to the family wears it as well.

After mass, my parents threw Colten such a wonderful party back at my house. We roasted 3 lambs and about 25 chickens. The sun was shining, and we were surrounded by so many friends and family. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate. I will never forget that day!

The 3 month marker has come and gone but Colten still seems to be colicky, maybe not as bad but he still has yet to spend the night in his crib. After so many people telling me to try running the vacuum, I finally did - and it worked! After some fussing, he actually fell asleep in his crib! But no kidding, the second I turned it off, he woke up. So I quickly purchased an audio of a vacuum and have been playing it via CD for him. He has yet to sleep to that audio but he at least stays in his crib for about an hour so I can shower and/or eat. Hopefully these little victories are signs of better days ahead. Until then, we still sleep together in the chair. But I have to admit that part of me will miss sleeping with Colten once he does sleep in his crib.

Enjoy these photos of his baptism!

My mom, Mike (my brother and Colten's godfather), Tom and me and Colten, Krissy (my good friend, neighbor and Colten's godmother), my dad.

After Colten's baptism with Father Mike.


  1. Cindy, Colten is beautiful!! Oh my gosh he is so cute-I can't say this enough but I cannot wait to meet him! It looks like you had a great day. Thank you so much for all the prayers for Spencer, we will update you Wednesday:)

  2. You have such a beautiful family! I love that dress you are wearing- you really do look like you are working out- yeah, colicky Colten! j/k. I hope it gets easier for you soon, and that you get to sleep in your bed! I did the Lazy Boy thing a lot with Elizabeth right after we moved- her schedule was all messed up, and she would only sleep if I held her. It did get better, I promise.

    I miss you, and I'm so glad you are blogging so I can see little Colten grow:)
