Friday, August 28, 2009

Long Overdue Updates

Sorry that I have been MIA lately. Not only have I neglected my blog, but I also have not had time to read anyone's posts. I'll try to get to them this weekend, but time has totally gotten away from me as I prepare for another school year and spend every second that I can with Colten before the official start to the year. Technically I guess we already started; we had two teacher report days this past week, so Colten spent those days with my mom just as he will all year. Both Colten and my mom were just fine, but I cried both days, when I left (sad tears) and when I returned (happy tears). I'm sure that it will get easier, but I have such a difficult time being away from him; however, I have to admit that I am excited about the upcoming school year, too! The teacher days put me in school mode again, and it was so great to see my colleagues. School officially begins on Monday, and I'm sure that I will cry that morning as well. But I'm excited to meet my new students, too! I'll keep you posted. Right now my biggest source of anxiety is that I don't have a routine, and I'm not sure how I will ever get any schoolwork done at home. The teacher report days only reinforced this. I woke up at 4:50am, got ready for school and headed out for the day. By 3-3:30 I was home and feeding Colten. Then we played and ate dinner (thanks to my mom!). By this time, Colten was ready for his nighttime routine (a bath, dinner, and sleep). So by 7:30-8pm, I was working out and then packed the lunches and got everything ready for the next day. Needless to say, I went to bed after that. So my question remains: how will I ever fit schoolwork in to that schedule??? That completely stresses me out! I know that millions of other mothers have figured it out, so I guess I will too; I just hope that it is sooner rather than later.

Okay - enough of me stressing and complaining. Let's talk about Colten. . . He's had lots of firsts since my last post including eating squash (we are on to carrots on Saturday), eating in his highchair, riding in his stroller without the carrier, and CRAWLING! As you guys know, I was so worried that I would miss the first time that he crawled, but I didn't! He crawled for the first time on Thursday, August 27th, but he waited for me to come home from school. After I was done feeding him, we were playing on the floor. I moved across the room and called for him to come to me. Usually, he would try to crawl but then fall. This time he made it the whole way!!! And my mom swears that he didn't do that earlier in the day so I believe her. It meant so much to me to see him reach this milestone. So maybe those of you were right who said that I wouldn't miss anything even once I returned to work : >

Enjoy the pictures that follow!

Colten's first meal in his highchair (08-20-2009)

A family walk and Colten's first time sitting in his stroller like a big boy! (08-23-2009)

Colten crawling over to check out Lady's toy (08-28-2009)

Posing for Mommy!

Time to drop the crib mattress! (08-28-2009)
Colten loves to peek over the crib to see what Mommy is doing - pumping!Almost sitting up! (08-28-2009)


  1. he is a cutie- i love this age so much- they are doing new things all the time, and really start developing a personality. so glad you were able to see colten crawl for the first time! i am telling you- they wait for their mommy:)
    i am keeping my fingers crossed this baby will make an early appearance like colten did!

  2. My new favorite picture of him is the first one you posted tonight! What a happy baby!!! I'm so glad you were there to see him crawl for the first time. All in due time you'll figure the schedule out; if anyone can balance their schedule and succeed, it's you!!!


  3. Cindy,
    What a doll baby he is!! I love his smiles :) I'm so glad he waited to show off his new moves until you were home. Best of luck adjusting to real-life-outside-of-baby... I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time.

  4. WOW! Crawling!?! Yay Colten! Cindy, I am so thankful you were able to witness that for the first time!! I remember like it was yesterday when Elizabeth first made her way across our family room and how shocked/happy I felt.

    Tons of luck and prayers for you guys as you start work again- a routine will gradually fall into place before you even know it. Hope your first "real" day back goes well!!
