Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Road Trip!

Colten is ready for the trip, sporting his cute outfit from the Belschner family!

This past weekend, Colten made his first road trip to Columbus to visit Uncle Mike. And we are happy to report that it was such a success! Colten stayed busy in the car by playing with his car seat toys and blanket until he dozed off. About 20 miles outside of Columbus, he started to fuss so I climbed in the back with him and kept him company; it seems that was all he wanted because he made the rest of the trip in good spirits. One lesson that we learned - my Kia is too small. Luckily, my parents made the trip as well so they took Lady and some of Colten's supplies; otherwise, we never would have had enough room - babies need so much stuff : > Before we make our trip to visit Beth and Dave in SC next year we will probably have to invest in a new car . . . I love my Kia though.
Yay! We made it to Uncle Mike's!

Playing while Mommy packs.

I was a bit worried about how Colten would sleep at Mike's, especially since we just got him to sleep in his crib, but again, I'm happy to report that he slept quite nicely in his pack 'n play too! It was a weekend for firsts because Colten also enjoyed his first outing to a restaurant - Uno's Pizza. Luckily it was loud in there because he did have a crying spell, but then he fell asleep and slept long enough for me to get some shopping in at Tuttle too! I love my boy!
Colten enjoying some of Daddy's pizza - one day : >

After a busy day of shopping and after Tom fell and skinned his knee in Mike's driveway (I haven't seen a skinned knee in years : >), we headed to my Aunt Joyce and Uncle Frank's house for dinner, and boy was it yummy! Even more than the food though, it was so wonderful to visit with everyone, but as KC said, "boy how our dinners have changed!" Instead of all sitting down to a quiet meal, Cars was playing in the background for her son Braden and Aunt Joyce held Colten so he wouldn't cry and Chris and Liz's new puppy played at our feet. Much more chaotic, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. We had so much fun!

Visiting with family at Aunt Joyce's
Colten with his older cousin Braden
Colten and Daddy!

In other news, Colten had his 4 month doctors appointment today. Since Tom is on vacation, he was able to meet the doctor for the first time, but he conveniently left the room before the shots, leaving Mom to handle it : > Colten weighs 17.1 pounds (although he may weigh more because he no longer fits on the baby scale), and he is 27 1/2 inches long! No wonder so many of his clothes do not fit ; > The doctor also told us to give him rice cereal to 3 times a day, and next month we get to start stage one baby foods! I cannot believe how quickly he is growing up, but he'll always be my sweet baby boy.


  1. I'm so glad the outfit worked:) He is just getting soooo big, I can't go much longer without meeting him!! I'm so glad your trip this weekend was a success-I thought about you all weekend wondering how it was going! Sounds like Mr. Colten is really doing fantastic:) btw...very cute background!!

  2. Holy cow, what a big guy! I think Elizabeth was maybe 11-12 pounds at 4 months;)
    I'm so happy for you guys that you had a successful road trip! I sit in the back for the majority of our trips and everyone is happier for it.
    Isn't it a funny realization when your "reality" changes from being single or a couple to a family full of kids, dogs, etc.? We have had the same realization over the past few years and it's so neat to see how we are all growing up. ;) No longer the carefree college kids anymore....but this is SO much better- well- I still miss those days, but this is wonderful in a completely different way.

    Congratulations also on a restaurant outing!! Yay Colten:)

  3. Wow, he looks so long in the picture with Tom! I can't believe he's 4 months already. I'm glad your road trip went so well! Happy belated anniversary...we miss you guys!

